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The NIS2 directive: Prepare your organization (English subtitles)
With the tightened requirements of the NIS2 directive, businesses face increased expectations for their cybersecurity and preparedness. The rising threat level makes it crucial for leaders and decision-makers to act proactively. This course provides
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Cyber Readiness in Practice (English subtitles)
Businesses face an increasingly severe cybersecurity threat, not least due to a shifting digital security environment. The growing number of cyber threats can have serious consequences if we are unprepared. Hackers are constantly improving their...
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HR's guide til e-læring: Få succes med e-læring i din organisation
Det her kursus er for dig, som sidder med ansvaret for kompetenceudvikling og læring i din virksomhed og som ofte spørger dig selv: Hvordan får jeg medarbejderne til at engagere sig i vores e-læring? Og hvordan sikrer jeg, at de nye færdigheder...
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