Course description:

In this course, you will learn how to uphold IT security at your workplace... in a slightly novel way. You will be presented with various issues within cyber security, including:

  • Phishing
  • Malware
  • Ransomware
  • Tailgating
  • Social engineering
  • Malicious websites
  • Shoulder surfing

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The course takes place in a fictional universe, where you meet the IT security manager, Rasmus Søndergaard, played by Esben Pretzmann, also known from the comedy show, "Drengene fra Angora"
He is having a hard time because he is stressed by the lack of concern his co-workers have for the company's IT security. Therefore, the management assigns him to sessions with an occupational psychologist.

The occupational psychologist, Kim Lederkvist, played by Peder Pedersen, who, among other things, is behind "Gramsespektrum", believes he can help Rasmus. But it will probably take a long time. And get quite expensive…  

Through 24 episodes, we follow Rasmus's struggle. The struggle ought to be about him being able to sleep better at night, but in reality, it turns into a struggle with a very unprofessional psychologist who, incredibly, knows even less about how to navigate safely in the digital universe than Rasmus's co-workers. In the process, we also meet a number of secondary roles played by actors such as Mia Lyhne, Anders Grau, Julie Ølgaard and Mads Knarreborg. 

The format is entertaining, and if you like TV series like "Klovn" or "The Office", then the course will certainly not be felt as a tedious review of cyber-security, but hopefully as a fun and novel way of learning. 

Since you also have to learn something (and have fun along the way), the course has been developed together with Dansk IT. After each episode, you will be presented with a short quiz to ensure that you have gained a greater knowledge and awareness of how to avoid hacker attacks and data loss and generally uphold IT security. 

Enjoy the show!

Video content

Are you tempted by a nifty little USB key? 1/24

  • Lektion1.1 Are you tempted by a nifty little USB key? 5 min
  • Lektion1.2 Quiz

Everyone: Do not open files from KurtS! 2/24

  • Lektion2.1 Everyone: Do not open files from KurtS! 5 min
  • Lektion2.2 Quiz

Be critical before you click3/24

  • Lektion3.1 Be critical before you click 5 min
  • Lektion3.2 Quiz

How much does a "Password-manager" cost?4/24

  • Lektion4.1 How much does a "Password-manager" cost? 5 min
  • Lektion4.2 Quiz

Even large amounts of data (on small USB keys) can easily get lost5/24

  • Lektion5.1 Even large amounts of data (on small USB keys) can easily get lost 6 min
  • Lektion5.2 Quiz

A clever little printer trick6/24

  • Lektion6.1 A clever little printer trick 4 min
  • Lektion6.2 Quiz

Does that mean I don't have a profile on

  • Lektion7.1 Does that mean I don't have a profile on 5 min
  • Lektion7.2 Quiz

Some conversations are probably best held in private8/24

  • Lektion8.1 Some conversations are probably best held in private 4 min
  • Lektion8.2 Quiz

Haven't you heard of "The Real Nigerian Prince"?9/24

  • Lektion9.1 Haven't you heard of "The Real Nigerian Prince"? 6 min
  • Lektion9.2 Quiz

Avoid unknown wi-fi networks10/24

  • Lektion10.1 . Avoid unknown wi-fi networks 4 min
  • Lektion10.2 . Quiz

RED ALERT! We have a data breach!11/24

  • Lektion11.1 . RED ALERT! We have a data breach! 4 min
  • Lektion11.2 . Quiz

Don't be afraid: Update now!12/24

  • Lektion12.1 . Don't be afraid: Update now! 5 min
  • Lektion12.2 . Quiz

Are you comfortable converting PDFs?13/24

  • Lektion13.1 . Are you comfortable converting PDFs? 5 min
  • Lektion13.2 . Quiz

Work/Life Imbalance: Keep work and personal accounts separate14/24

  • Lektion14.1 . Work/Life Imbalance: Keep work and personal accounts separate 5 min
  • Lektion14.2 . Quiz

Lock your computer - You don't want intruders snooping around15/24

  • Lektion15.1 . Lock your computer - You don't want intruders snooping around 6 min
  • Lektion15.2 . Quiz

Maybe you should just be happy that someone is listening?16/24

  • Lektion16.1 . Maybe you should just be happy that someone is listening? 5 min
  • Lektion16.2 . Quiz

Does your car insurance also cover your stolen data?17/24

  • Lektion17.1 . Does your car insurance also cover your stolen data? 4 min
  • Lektion17.2 . Quiz

H0w t0 m4ke strong passwords18/24

  • Lektion18.1 . H0w t0 m4ke strong passwords 5 min
  • Lektion18.2 . Quiz

Is she interested in you? – or is it Social Engineering...?19/24

  • Lektion19.1 . Is she interested in you? – or is it Social Engineering...? 5 min
  • Lektion19.2 . Quiz

When a "Shoulder Surfer" surfs past your confidential information20/24

  • Lektion20.1 . When a "Shoulder Surfer" surfs past your confidential information 5 min
  • Lektion20.2 . Quiz

Is HTTPS to be trusted?21/24

  • Lektion21.1 . Is HTTPS to be trusted? 5 min
  • Lektion21.2 . Quiz

Remember to tell the IT department – they'll be happy22/24

  • Lektion22.1 . Remember to tell the IT department – they'll be happy 5 min
  • Lektion22.2 . Quiz

It's time to clear the desk23/24

  • Lektion23.1 . It's time to clear the desk 6 min
  • Lektion23.2 . Quiz

Anyone can forget an access card – even a "Tailgater"24/24

  • Lektion24.1 . Anyone can forget an access card – even a "Tailgater" 5 min
  • Lektion24.2 . Quiz


Dansk IT
Dansk IT


Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse
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  • review
    Søren Puck Hansen


  • review
    Tobias Einar Svop Ahlqvist

    Sjovt at følge med i og gode eksempler på, hvornår man skal udvise praksis

  • review
    Lotte B. Stoltenborg
    Godt Kursus, korte sessioner. men, nogen skal sætte Kim på plads.

    Godt kursus

  • review
    Christa Weihe
    lidt useriøst

  • review
    Christian Struer Kirkegaard
    Fint indhold

    Gode og særdeles underholdende skuespillere.

  • review
    Ingrid Gellert
    Funny, interesting and good tips!

    I enjoyed every video. It was fun. I learned some new stuff and enjoyed taking the course. It was not dull at all, the contrary!

  • review
    Philip Fiil Eldridge
    Underholdende, men ikke udfordrende

    Så det meste af videoerne i første halvdel, derefter så næste kun "facts" siderne til sidst i video. Intet nyt under solen igennem hele kurset, men for mindre IT-kyndige er det virkelig god formidling af tørt stof.

  • review
    Brian Hornhaver
    Informativt - Fint

    Klart og konkret - Lærte en del om hvad man skal være opmærksom på

  • review
    Claus Oved Rasmussen
    Good Points

    Mange gode pointer pakket ind i sjove historier. Halvvejs igennem kan historierne opleves lidt trivielle. Samlet set glimrende.

  • review
    Jonas Dyreby
    Informativt og herligt!

  • review
    Nikola Nikolov

  • review
    Toke Totfdal Hansen
    sjovt og informativt

  • review
    Swantje Niphut
    Ok kursus

    Nice try to present the dry topics in a "consumable" and entertaining way. Idea was great, it also partly worked- but I honestly did not feel at all comfortable with all the sexual content which I find inappropriate for a job--related course.

  • review
    Johan Wilhelm Studsgaard
    Fun learning activity

  • review
    Christian Thiesen

    Super måde at lære på, virkelig underholdende !!